Saturday 25 August 2012

Easy to use tips to boost your "peach blossom" aka "romance" factor in your love life 

We all like to have the guy of our dreams preferable someone we can walk down the aisle in the future.  If you haven't had the chance to meet Mr. Right, here are some easy to use tips for boosting your chance to find that potential special someone from a Feng Shui perspective: 

(please note that the tips are only for improving chances, not necessarily the quality of men/women - might write a future post on this topic): 

1.  Fresh Flowers: Fresh flowers are very powerful in attracting romance. The best colour to use is pink or dark pink. Roses are fine to use but please ensure that the thorns are removed. Put them on the windows/ side tables in your bedroom and change the water on a frequent basis. If you are already in a relationship please do not use this tip. 

2. Use bright colours preferable red in your everyday dressing. Red is a very auspicious colour in Chinese culture (where Feng Shui originate). Try to wear red shiny shoes and other red clothes (other bright colours like pink etc... are effective too). Avoid black and dark colours. 

3. Declutter the bedroom: Keep your bedroom clean. Clutter in the bedroom manifests as obstacles in your love life so it is best to have a clean and presentable bedroom at all times. 

4. Learn to cook a few dishes: This is a weird tip (I know you might be thinking: so what has my cooking skills to do with increasing my dating opportunities?) As I mentioned in the beginning, the tips are written from a Feng Shui perspective, so sometimes the tips might sound irrational/weird. My own rationale is: as long as it works for me, I really don't care what the correlation is between my cooking skills and getting men to date me). If you are still single and longing for a relationship, try this one: learn a few simple dishes to make and make frequent trips to the kitchen to make salad, boil water etc...

My personal experience: I try all the tips I have mentioned above (and some more) while I was single and looking for a long term relationship: I put dark pink flowers in my bedroom, use bright colours and keep my bedroom clean (I am rather disorganized so this was a bit challenging :) ) 

Within a few weeks after doing all the above mentioned points I start dating my husband (who was a good friend of mine at that time but I had no romantic interest in him ) - Coincidental? 


Saturday 18 August 2012

Simple Feng Shui Tips

Simple Tips 

Feng Shui literally means "Wind Water" in Chinese. The practice was concerned about how to locate and gather auspicious "qi" in our environment and dispel/negate negative "qi". 

Feng Shui has two main areas of assessing the qi: through assessing the external environment and landforms surrounding the area you are interested in and by using calculations and formulaes. 

I personally hasn't been going deep into the calculation based feng shui but external observation is simple and easily to understand. 

Here are some DIY feng shui tips and things to avoid that I personally use in my life: 

1.  Sit against a wall: Ensure that your chair in the office or at home is backed against a wall. In feng shui theory, this means that you will get people support in one's career.  This is crucial in getting promotions as harmonious relationships with the boss and co-workers are always a big bonus to get the promotion/appreciation you are seeking. 

2. Declutter: We all have clutter in our house: the little gifts we received when we are in grade 6, the clothes you have been keeping because you like them so much (even though they won't fit you anymore) etc... But in feng shui, it is imperative to keep our house and home clean and free of any extraneous stuff such as old furniture, clothes, shoes in order to attract the wealth in our lives. Clutter takes up space that could be used for collecting the qi into our home. 

That is why it is a good habit to regularly check to see if we stll need the things/clothes/toys/shoes or it can be donated to a charity. This way we gave way to space for qi to collect, and sending a sign that we are ready for additional wealth to come into our life. 

3. Avoid exposed beams: Make sure no exposed beams are visible above your bed, chair, stove etc.. Beams are a major no-no in feng shui as they cause headaches and stress to the person exposed to them.  Thus it is best to avoid sitting or sleeping under them. 

4. Avoid flowers in the bedroom and washrooms: Flowers are used in feng shui to attract romance, the "peach blossom" factor into ones lives. They are strategically used to attract more romantic opportunities for singles. But if you are married, then no flowers should be put in the bedroom and washrooms. Creeping plants and cacti inside the house should be avoided as well. 

5. If possible, find a square looking house or apartment: It is best to live in a square looking house/apartment. Square denotes stability in one's general well being: wealth, health and relationships. Avoid irregular shaped houses and or rooms: L-shaped, diamond shaped as this cause unstability in the qi and consequently affects the general well being of everyone living in such houses/rooms. 

Later on I will share more simple feng shui tips on improving romance. 

Friday 17 August 2012

Feng Sui: Supersition or something that works?

What is "Feng Shui"? 

Feng Shui has been an ancient practice in China dealing with locating the "qi" in one's house
and environment. This practice is very prevalent in Hong Kong where many high rise buildings 
in their downtown area are "feng shuied". Recently many Hong Kong feng shui practicitioners are hired by developers back in Mainland China, indicating a renewed interest in this practice.

Using complicated formulaes to assess the qi in one house and paying attention to the external landforms surrounding the house and neighbourhood, an experienced and knowledgeable feng shui master (sifu) will be able to assess the good and/or bad qi in the area. 

I personally came interested in this knowledge back in 2011 when I went to see a Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology practiioner merely out of curiosity (even with my commerce and business background, I was interested in a variety of non-business subjects due to my natural curiosity). 

He was quite famous in our city as his credentials shows he was hired by many real estate developers and banks for his feng shui expertise. During our session, he pointed out a lot of accurate details of my life even though I never mentioned anything except my date of birth (which he require to have in order to do the calculations): my early life, in which period I went overseas, my relationship with siblings and even he mentioned when I potentially will enter into a romantic relationship (at the time I was single). He even mentioned when I will start earning money! 

Well of course I take his future predictions of my life with a pinch of salt but I was amazed at the accuracy of his depiction of my earlier life (could it be coincidental?) 

Anyhow, I went back to my regular life routine and lo and behow, I dated my husband during the time he predicted (second half of 2011). At that time, we were just friends and we have known each other for a few years (but both were not interested in each other for a romantic fling). and now we are married (both of us are still amazed how things have worked so well for us: dated, engaged, married and moved in within less than one year!! ) 

So all this events somehow deepens my interest in these subjects and I hire the practitioner back to check the feng shui of our new house: still not being able to follow all his advice but still trying ....) 

From reading general feng shui books and blogs, I did manage to get a general idea of what are the negatives in feng shui theory without getting too deep in mathematical calculation. In future posts, I will outline them. 

So conclusion? I do think that feng shui and Chinese astrology (BaZi) have a certain extent of accuracy ( I cannot say 100%) provided you have an experienced, knowledgeable and reputable practitioner assessing it for you. My opinion is to understand his/her background and credentials and if possible, get referrals from people you trust: if he/she is hired by big companies/institutions to do feng shui, he usually knows what he is doing. 

One hint: Reputable Feng Shui practitioners are also expert in BaZi: Chinese astrology as they are interrelated to each other. 


Below is a video of famed Taiwanese magician Liu Chen: 

(sorry couldn't find English version ones but I love his magic tricks)

Thursday 16 August 2012

Some Chinese Songs on Youtube

Came across some You Tube Videos that I like:




步步驚心 - 一念執著、三寸天堂、等你的季節 (歌曲)

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Outdoor wedding photoshoot

Has been a long time writing on my blog; been crazy busy: buying a house, arranging our wedding pictures, shopping for furniture and other things for our new place...

Uploaded some pics we took while we are waiting for our photographer to arrive: